Why Curb Appeal Matters

First impressions are important. That’s why your home must have great curb appeal when you’re selling. The outside of your home is the first thing that potential buyers will see. It can help them decide whether or not they’d like to view the inside as well. Here are some questions about curb appeal that we frequently get, and what you need to know to make your home stand out.

What is curb appeal?

“Curb appeal” is a phrase often associated with real estate. But what does it mean? Curb appeal is what your home looks like from the street. It’s a combination of design elements that can create a pleasing exterior. When your home has curb appeal, it is often described as being cute, inviting, charming, elegant, sophisticated, or welcoming.

What is curb appeal so important?

Curb appeal is crucial when you’re selling your home. Often, the exterior of your home is the first thing a potential buyer will see — either online or when they’re driving by. They will form an opinion based on what the outside of your home looks like, which will help them decide if they want to see more. But that isn’t the only reason that curb appeal is so important. It can actually increase the value of your home. In fact, it is estimated that curb appeal can add as much as 7 percent to your home’s value.

How can I improve my home’s curb appeal?

The great news is that curb appeal is one of the easiest things to create when you’re selling your home. Here are some ideas for creating excellent curb appeal when you’re selling:

  • Stage the area around your front door with plants, new house numbers, aluminum railings, and a fresh coat of paint.
  • Plant window boxes with fresh, colorful flowers.
  • Add exterior lights to sidewalks and driveways.
  • Clean up the landscaping including trimming trees and bushes, pulling weeds, and mowing the lawn.

What mistakes should I avoid?

While it’s easy to add curb appeal to your home, there are some mistakes that you should avoid. These include:

  • Completing redoing the landscape. You only need to concentrate on a few key areas to make a real difference in your curb appeal.
  • Choosing paint colors that are too bright or not currently popular. Opt instead for neutral shades that blend well with your neighborhood.
  • Making your landscape very personal — it should appeal to the widest swath of buyers as possible.
  • Not committing to the upkeep of your curb appeal while your home is for sale. Be sure to keep the lawn mowed and the plants and flowered watered while your property is on the market.

How much do I need to spend?

Adding some strategic enhancements to your home’s exterior when you sell is both easy and budget-friendly. In fact, you shouldn’t spend too much on updating your home’s curb appeal. Many of the upgrades you can make yourself, and you shouldn’t need to spend more than a few hundred dollars to really make a difference in your home’s aesthetic. However, for more complex repairs or upgrades like a new garage door, then make sure to get expert help from residential and commercial garage doors specialists. And for landscaping and grass maintenance, you may consider reaching out to professional grass services.

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