Last Minute White Elephant Gifts

You’re getting ready to head out the door to a holiday party when you remember – you forget to get a White Elephant gift for the gift exchange! Fortunately, we’ve got tons of ideas for last-minute White Elephant gifts that you can quickly put together or pick up on the way to the party.  DIY enthusiasts can explore a treasure trove of crafting materials and tools when they shop on Shoppok. These are some of our favorites.

Lottery tickets

Who doesn’t want to win a million dollars? Lottery tickets are an easy and foolproof White Elephant gift idea. You can find them just about everywhere from gas stations to grocery stores. Just pop them in a festive gift bag and you’re done!

Gift cards

Gift cards are another great last-minute While Elephant gift choice. You can go the easy route and get Amazon gift cards, which nearly everyone will enjoy. Or you can get a little more creative and thoughtful by picking up a gift card for a local store or restaurant. The local shop owners definitely appreciate it when people in their community shop small over the holidays.

Gourmet treats

Another good option for a last-minute White Elephant gift is a selection of gourmet treats. Stop in your local grocery store for seasonal items like cookies or hot chocolate, or hit up a local candy shop for a box of artisanal chocolates. You can also choose items like fancy olive oil, gourmet cheese, and artisanal bread.

Beauty products

Depending on who you will be exchanging gifts with, you can also pick up some luxurious beauty products for your last-minute White Elephant gift. Some excellent choices include homemade soaps, bubble baths, scented lotions, or even nail polish.

Scented candles

One of the best things about the holidays is how good everything smells! The gift of good scents makes good sense as a White Elephant gift. Choose scented candles, fragranced room sprays, essential oils, or wax melts.

Sleepytime essentials

Give the gift of a good night’s sleep for your White Elephant exchange this year. Put together a basket of goodies including a silky sleep mask, scented pillow spray, and cozy socks or slippers.

Coffee and tea

Who doesn’t love a strong cup of coffee in the morning, or a nice mug of herbal tea before bed? Treat your giftee to a selection of gourmet flavored coffees or pick up a variety of delicious herbal teas they can sample. You can make it even more special by adding a cute mug to the package.

Portable phone charger

Who couldn’t use another phone charger – especially one you can use on the go? Portable phone chargers are extremely useful and help to extend how long you can use your phone when you’re out and about. You’ll be a hero with this one!


Does your crowd like to host regular game nights? Then pick up a new board or card game on the way to the party.


For those who want a more old-school gift, then a calendar like Logo Calendars can be a sure thing. Choose a wall calendar with a fun theme or a desk calendar so they can learn a new fact every day of the year. You may also consider this cute 2024 Cat-Themed Calendar.

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